Monday, January 30, 2012


I am in my final year at school, and because of that, I am working on a thesis. (Thesis: it's a big deal.) I'm not ready to share the specifics of it yet, but the short of it is, my thesis is about the celebration of nature. Nature has always been a common subject in my work, and now I am exploring the theme behind it. I decided to stick with a single specific subject for the thesis, the sky

I have taken many photographs of the sky in the last couple years. Here are a few I've taken specifically for use in my thesis.

Here are a few sketches I did, followed by digital mockups of them. Originally my thesis was less about the celebration of nature and more about the relationship between nature and mankind (hint: mankind is part of nature, even if we often forget it). I'm not planning on turning these into full pieces right now, since the emphasis of my thesis has changed, but I still enjoy them.

Finally, here's an animation I created in Photoshop. This is more along the lines of my current focus in my thesis. This video is only a minute and a half long, but I have been considering making a longer version, perhaps ten minutes long, or possibly up to half an hour long. Half an hour may be a little lofty, however. Ten minutes seems much more realistic.

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