Friday, January 28, 2011

Experiment: Grammar Gestapo (Part II)

Last week, I showed you the Grammar Gestapo herself, the protagonist of my comic of the same name. (I mentioned she was more of an antihero, although after reading this page, I am less convinced that "antihero" is the proper description of her. Since the whole comic is about language and grammar, I will need to look into this further.) Today I'll discuss her sidekick, the Comma Chameleon. Yes, that is the reference. He is a boy of 6-10, who has aspirations to be a novelist when he grows up. I'm not settled on his identity yet, but he is either the Grammar Gestapo's nephew or the younger brother of one of her students. Regardless, the Grammar Gestapo (out of costume) tutors him after school, and he became the Comma Chameleon on his own, possibly despite GG's protests.

I don't know what weapon he'll use yet, either. I want something to represent the chameleon tongue, but yoyos seem overdone. The other thought I had was one of those long sticky-hand toys, but I'm not sure how effect as a weapon it would be. Does it need to be? I suppose it could be a mere annoyance. More research is necessary.

He also represents the beginning of my attempts to incorporate more Western-style comic... um, style, into my work, rather than stay so slavishly devoted to the Eastern-style anime... style. I find him quite cute.

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