Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Experiment: Screen-printing (Part II)

Here's the sketch of the goddess figure to be featured in my screen-print. I was afraid to just start drawing blindly on my screen without really planning out which part you would see for each phase of the moon, how exactly it would look, all that. For drawing her on the screen, I used blue drawing fluid, which is a positive drawing technique (as opposed to crayons or stencils, which are negative and block the ink). I actually like how she turned out: a bit wilder and perhaps more primitive than the sketch.

Printing was wonderful this time around, full of happy accidents as opposed to being a comedy of errors like last time. I'm not finished with the prints (I have eight in progress), they still need one more drop of ink. If you look at the sketches in part I, you'll see it's the graphic black layer, which will also be created on the screen with blue drawing fluid.

One of the happy accidents: you can see the whole figure through the dark grey layer. I'm ok with that. I think it will work out well. Look at all my prints!

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