Thursday, March 22, 2012

Experiment: Screen-printing (Part VII)

In winter quarter, as well as taking film photography, I took another round of advanced printmaking with the phenomenal Noel Anderson. As is evidenced by my FYASO Friday segments, I love the FYASO meme. It's been burning in my brain to recreate it in art somehow, and so I decided to go with it for printmaking. I thought screen-printing would be most useful and effective. I like the idea of using a handmade process that can be messy, time consuming, and potentially one-of-a-kind to create a physical version of an internet meme. Thi sis because, in contrast, internet memes are quick and spontaneous, created to fit the situation or mood, meat to be more throwaway images. You don't need any editting software to make them; the more popular memes have websites where you can quickly throw words on the image (for example, at

First, I tried to replicate the FYASO image with original words.

Then I loosened up and put layers together more haphazardly, letting them fall as they would, to show more of the frustrated feel the Owl often has.

In the second half of the quarter, I worked on images of a sunset. I used many transparent layers of ink to achieve the floating layered clouds. This piece of a good lesson in embracing mistakes and not letting them frustrate me, which is a problem I often have.

Here is a close-up of some of the clouds. I used silver ink in some of the layers.

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